Research Agenda
The team behind this SII project believes that efficient spectrum use can be achieved with a holistic cross-layer data-driven system architecture which integrates novel radio PHY/MAC capabilities across multiple bands with a spectrum control plane and edge cloud services in support of coordination algorithms and market transactions.
The research agenda will aim to realize this cross-layer system vision, which has been shaped by many inputs including WRC-19, FCC documents and several influential WSRD/NITRD reports which have identified key research priorities for spectrum over the past decade. The most recent recommendations summarized in a White House Office of Scientific Research report are grouped into three broad priority areas:
- (P1) spectrum flexibility and agility to use multiple bands and new waveforms;
- (P2) improved near real-time spectrum awareness; and
- (P3) increased spectrum efficiency and effectiveness through secure autonomous decision making.
One of the earlier WSRD reports identified additional challenges, most notably decentralized architectures, security/trust, and enabling market mechanisms.
Our high level vision of the SII center’s research agenda is consistent with the WSRD recommendations with its strong focus on exploitation of new spectrum frontiers, radio technology fundamentals which enable agility and improved bandwidth efficiency, along with secure information architectures that enable spectrum awareness and distributed/autonomous algorithms for shared use.
The comprehensive research agenda integrates key radio and spectrum innovations into system-level solutions.
IRIS Center Differentiation
- Comprehensive research agenda and methodology bridging theory and design with real-world systems and applications
- Experienced and balanced national team, including both experienced and early career PIs with strong track record of research results
Strong focus on core radio/spectrum technology components: DSA, SDR, mmWave, THz, optical x-haul, sensing, … - Integrative cross-layer system design anchored by a new decentralized information architecture intended to enable spectrum sharing algorithms, markets, data-driven ML, …
- A full range of system-level design/evaluation scenarios including sub-7 GHz licensed, unlicensed and shared, mmWave, Thz and passive RA
- Emphasis on realistic experimental evaluation and proof-of-concept prototyping, leveraging the team’s pre-existing testbeds (such as the COSMOS national dynamic radio zone in NYC)