The final cross-cutting research thrust focuses on better understanding of emerging broadband wireless applications and the study of use-case scenarios from both technical and policy/regulatory point of view. Emerging new applications to be studied and quantified in terms of spectrum usage and performance requirements include augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) services at scale, robotic control, smart warehousing, industrial automation, vehicular networks, and e-health. We will also consider unique challenges related to rural broadband access . While the SII center’s work will not focus on applications per se, the plan is to encourage inputs from end-user communities to better understand evolving requirements and run end-to-end demonstrations involving dynamic spectrum use. We will also consider various use cases for spectrum sharing which can involve models other than cellular or unlicensed WiFi, such as spectrum subleasing, cooperation between cellular operators, and various types of private networks. Private networks are already growing rapidly within 5G deployments and present interesting technical challenges for spectrum sharing, security and network slicing that will also be considered in this thrust area.